Monday, June 6, 2011

In the Kitchen

I am beginning to enjoy the art of being in the kitchen. It's definitely a learning process to find where ends meet when it comes to the food I like and the way my husband likes it. John Mark is a grilling kind of guy. So for the first months of our marriage I didn't know what to cook (and it was winter). JM likes grilled steak and chicken and that's about all we ate from our skillet in the kitchen (it makes for a stinky and smoky house). I basically let him take over most of the cooking because first of all, I didn't plan ahead and frankly, I had to learn a whole new way of cooking. We've been married almost 6 months now and I really feel like I'm learning to take some freedom in the kitchen. It all requires some planning ahead and proper groceries. And most of all, I love to use recipes! There's also an art to getting all the hot food on the table at the same time!I've been able to cook in new styles and we're not just eating homemade pizza or grilled chicken and rice anymore. Last night I had JM grill turkey burgers and I made a black bean-and-pineapple-mango salsa to top them off (they gave the burgers a juicy and buttery taste). Today we used the left over salsa for our pita chips as a side with our lunch. Also, I like that there are finally fresh fruits and vegetables at the store [Sigh of relief]. Tonight I'm making chicken and dumplings (all fresh ingredients). I also made a gallon of green tea with honey and fresh mango and a Mexican style "chicken salad" for wraps for lunch tomorrow. It's exciting to constantly stretch and grow - even if it comes straight from the kitchen. In observing my mom, mother-n-law, grandmothers, etc... I'm learning to stock my pantry, buy "staple" food items but always try new things, and to ask for new recipes. Things are looking up in our kitchen! 

If you have any recipes to share, feel free to do so!!

1 comment:

  1. this is awesome! :-) it just takes time to master certain recipes and then you will be a wiz! :-)
