Tuesday, June 7, 2011

5 Random Things About My Husband

1. He is smart: I learn something new from John Mark every day. He’s a bottomless pit of knowledge. He soaks up everything he learns. It’s incredible how much he knows. I don’t need Google, I just ask JM!
2. He is filled with JOY: John Mark is the kind of guy that always seems to enjoy life. It takes a lot for him to become down-trodden by the sway of life. He laughs boisterously out loud and gives me every reason to do the same. There’s not a day that goes by that we don’t laugh together.
3. He is extremely optimistic: This is very good because I can be over-pessimistic when it comes to personal things so we always seem to balance each other out. Truthfully, I need to trust his optimism more, but sometimes I have to snap him into reality.
4. He tells stories: Many people are never sure if John Mark is telling the truth or not. When I know he’s joking, I watch his listeners as they crick their necks and squint their eyes wondering whether or not to believe him. When you get to know him, you can learn to laugh and enjoy outrageous but believable stories. My brother-n-law Carlos never knows what to believe.
5. He remembers to put the toilet seat down: Thankfully John Mark has two lovely sisters and I know they would say a thing or two if he didn’t put the seat down. Thanks Lauren and Jessie! I don’t have to remind him to do it!


  1. I love his stories! His stories are like none other! Also, Robbie puts the toilet seat down too! And it makes me happy- cause then we don't have to train them. haha!

  2. Lol, glad I had to endure the wet bottoms and taking the plunge (so to speak) so that you wouldn't have to! Love ya, girl!

    ~ Lauren
