We got a great night's sleep and a complimentary breakfast and headed for the mountains again around 9am. It was a beautiful and sunny drive up the parkway. We were looking at the mountains and we couldn't figure out why the trees looked white. Matt decided it was because they were very old and turning gray. When we got closer, we realized the rain froze overnight and covered everything with icicles. It was awesome to see!!

Although we couldn't hike straight up the mountains to Mt. Mitchell, we were able to hike down to Mt. Craig from the top of Mitchell, so we basically only missed just under 3 miles of our trip. And, it would more than likely have been a miserable freezing and rainy night on top of Mt. Mitchell had we camped there. Our tents would have looked like these icicles. We hope that we can attempt this hike again in the fall all the way through!

The rain froze into ice chips. Although it was freezing on top Mt. Mitchell, we made it to the peak and it ended up being 70+ the rest of the day. On our drive home, we passed many areas hit by tornadoes and we were grateful and blessed to experience an amazing trip in safety.
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