Dear Josiah,
It is hard to even find the words of how your sweet little life impacted me, our family, and so many other people. Josiah, you brought our family so close and really made Charleston home for me. I lived there for 3 years before you came, but now every time I go there I think of you and your very special life.
I thought about going to San Fransisco for an internship the summer you were going to be with us, but I felt that I needed to stay in Charleston, I needed to be with my family, and I needed to spend time with you. Oh your body was so fragile when you were born May 20 2009; especially your heart and lungs, but your beautiful life that day and on answered so many of our prayers.
We spent so many days in your "living room" because you didn't like the outside (plus all those nurses were so cute, who'd want to leave them). Who can blame you? It's such a big world out there. But your door was open to so many people that had an opportunity to meet you. Sometimes I was scared to come near you because I didn't want to make you more sick. I even passed out next to you because you made me wear a plastic cape to see you. But it was worth it. Uncle John Mark and I would spend our date nights just staring at you and rubbing your sweet little forehead. Your little eyebrows would twitch and you'd fall right asleep. We watched your sisters a lot that summer and they always talked about you. We would sit with you and your mommy and daddy and just talk about life.
You gave us so many scares, but you hung on to your fragile life so tightly and we continued to cling to God. We watched your sisters grow up so much and got to know your grandma and grandpa so well. You breathed on your own for some time but your lungs were just not strong enough. Your mommy and daddy decided for you to get a tracheotomy and we got to see those huge chubby cheeks for the first time!!! You look so much like your mommy and daddy and sisters.
Little Josiah, your mommy and daddy and so many other people love you so much. Your parents did everything they could to help you and help other babies and kids with HLHS. Because of your mommy's research, you and other babies like you can have their mommy's skimmed breast milk in the MUSC PCICU. You challenged the Dr's and nurses at MUSC to do their best work and learn so much more about babies like you. Your blog and twitters have been seen all over and your papa's sign's got you an article in the Greenville news. But most of all Josiah, you taught us how to love. How to treasure each day and each moment, because we didn't know if there would be a tomorrow with you. You taught us the importance of family and community and so much about prayer and about God. You have left us with some questions.. especially as to why God would take you home, but you have helped us to trust and know that God knows best for each and every situation. It was and is so hard that you are not here with us, but the memories of you are so beautiful. Your sweet and scary and wonderful 8 months with us has probably impacted so many more people than I have in the 23 years I've been alive. You have reminded us that all people have something they are dealing with in their lives and that it is so important to treat everyone with love. Because who knows if the person next door has lost a loved one, just like we lost you.
Your memorial service was such a beautiful evening of worship. Your daddy sang songs and even made us clap our hands to God. We watched videos of you smiling and getting your chest therapy and so many handsome pictures of you. Your smile and sweet cheeks will forever be in my memories. We will never forget you Josiah and the wonderful story God created in you. You may have been born with half a heart, but that precious little heart is the biggest most pure heart I have ever known. Your story brought us to so many people and friends and family and God has taken your heart and made it whole. Happy first birthday Josiah. We miss you dearly but have the faith and hope that we will see you again, perfect and no longer broken. Love you little cowboy.
Aunt Rae Rae
Your wonderful story: www.thewilsonheart.com
this is a beautiful post. thank you