Oh sweet Hazyl Grace. Your big blue eyes have been mesmerizing since you were a baby!!

I missed your first birthday because I spent that summer in Brazil. But we got to celebrate your second birthday in Charleston and watch you grow up so fast and begin talking up a storm and really developing quite the personality!!

Speaking of that personality... You are so free spirited and so cool and I just think you are going to be "that" girl that the boys dream of. Oh your poor daddy... You will probably be super athletic and naturally beautiful... you already are!!! Your climbing skills and fearlessness are so incredible.. and that cool style of yours!!!

I love you so much Hazyl Grace and I love watching you and your big sister Daylia Joy grow up. I love how Daylia takes care of you and looks out for you and how much you love spending time with her. You are so sweet Hazyl! Happy 3rd Birthday!!
Love Aunt Rae Rae
thank you for loving my children! you are a wonderful aunt and we love you!