Today my husband turned 24. I like to say that I'm older and wiser, but really I'm less than a month older than him. It's funny to imagine that our mothers were pregnant at the same time, wondering if they'd have a boy or girl. God has blessed our families and our lives and brought JM and I together in a way that I can only give Him thanks. We met our freshman year of college. A time of adventure, insecurity, and questions. We were discovering ourselves as individuals rather than just kids living with their parents and following their rules. In a way, we were on our own and becoming adults - very slowly. Although I didn't know JM until college, we did a lot of growing up and maturing together. Ironically, we both dropped out of school after 3 semesters because we had no idea what to do with our lives. He joined the Coast Guard and I took 1.5yrs off until I went back to school in TN. We've seen each other at some of our lowest points and constantly encourage each other to grow closer to God! I'm so thankful to call JM my husband and I am thrilled to see him father our children one day and just continue to grow old together. It was the best idea to marry my best friend!
Happy Birthday JM, my incredible husband!