Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Forgotten God Chapter 1

Sometimes it takes a lot of reiteration for us to grasp something we’ve heard for years and something that seems as though it has been obvious for so long. But Francis Chan really hits the nail on the head in this first chapter of Forgotten God when he challenges his readers to focus on the significance of the Holy Spirit. He explains that Jesus explained to his disciples that he would send a Counselor, just like Christ (as in, the same essence, same being, same capacity) to come. In John 16:7 Jesus explains that “it is for your good that I am going away” because that way the Counselor (Holy Spirit) would be sent.

So often I find myself wishing I lived in the times of Christ so that I can experience first hand the presence and teachings of Jesus, but I have failed to acknowledge that same powerful and merciful work that is available in the Holy Spirit; the being I believe to be alive and at work in me. So often I have failed to expect and appreciate the Holy Spirit, and for that, I have missed out on the most precious part of following Christ, that bond of Spirit to Spirit. Christ claimed that it was better that the Counselor come. Boy, how I have failed to accept that. It is not that the God is not working through his Spirit in me; it is that I have ignored to recognize his presence in me. I have failed to listen, failed to trust, and failed to acknowledge significant promptings. I have been struggling for quite some time now with a spiritual distance from God and all so purely, it is obvious I am at fault.

When Christ is speaking to his disciples in Mark 4:24 he states: “Pay close attention to what you hear. The closer you listen, the more understanding you will be given” … “But for those who are not listening, even what little understanding they have will be taken away from them.” This is when they were questioning the meaning of the parable of the four soils. When I read this, I feel like so often I am not listening. I am talking, I am frustrated, I am crying to God that I may be close to him, but really… Am I listening? Am I recognizing his work?

This is a problem with the church today. Are these churches really encouraging their believers to listen to the Spirit and be at one with the Spirit, or are we worried about a gathering place that is appealing and bringing in people? Are people leaving the doors being challenged by the Spirit and challenged to communicate daily and in-the-moment with the Counselor? It is so easy to get caught up in the “prettiness” of the presence of the church, but our priority should be getting caught up in the presence of the Spirit.

The Spirit is dwelling within those that believe, but can you tell? Are believers really any different from society? Rather than being so consumed and ignited by the Spirit whom is dwelling in us, so often we chose to allow ourselves to be swallowed up in the path of acceptance from society or the complete opposite… we judge and expect society to be just like our often, unfortunate hypocritical selves.

That puts the church (those that believe, Not a building) at a very difficult position. But like Chan is convicted, it first comes down to our own personal relationship with God, who is alive and dwelling within. Chan states: “We would expect our new life with the Holy Spirit to look radically different from our old life without him.” In order to do so, it is critical to study the word and rid ourselves of any preconceived ideas about God and allow him to teach us as we listen to him. We can go into deeper communion with the Spirit and experience his power and presence, if we choose to listen and stop ignoring.

I know that I am tired of holding back. I want to grow and listen and find more understanding. I am not trying to be Negative Nancy or preach what I am sure is so obvious to most, but honestly… have we failed to truly recognize his living Spirit? This all may seem so elementary, but oh so refreshing.

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