Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Finding Fall

We had the lovely opportunity to go to the Shenandoah Mountains over the weekend.
We did the same for Memorial weekend as well.
This time we decided to stay only Friday night so we could get back for a 20-something age group on Sunday after Church.
If you notice in the photo reel, we have no tent on our campsite.
We arrived Friday evening to set up camp.
JM pulled out our box of camping supplies and had a strange look on his face.
I knew that look and what it meant.
There's about to be a pause, an explanation and plenty of laughter to follow.
It has taken me a while to get to the laughter point so soon,
but the longer I am with JM, the more I am prepared for the unexpected!
I used to get mad - usually quite angry when this kind of stuff would happen.
"Well," I said: "we don't have a tent do we?"
And we both looked at each other and laughed.
I was going to ask him all the checklist questions when we were leaving,
but I also don't want to always check up on him.
We knew there was no rain in the forecast so we had the rain fly - that JM had mistaken for a tent -
and used it to lay on for the night.
It was an awesome night.
We watched the sun set, ate a taco dinner and sat by the fire for hours.
We ate graham crackers and chocolate for dessert because I forgot the marshmallows.
The moon was bright when we went to bed 
but early into the morning it went behind us and we were able to see so many stars huddled above us.
The sky was covered in Milky Way Galaxy goodness!
Although we were a little early for prime foliage, there were enough leaves that changed to capture some lovely fall images on our Saturday morning hike.
After some photo-ops and a picnic lunch on an overlook,
we headed to Charlottesville, VA to spend the afternoon walking around and people-watching.

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