Thursday, March 10, 2011

Circle C Ranch

My childhood was greatly influenced by Circle C Ranch. Ever since I can remember, my family spent many summers visiting this camp only 15 minutes from where I grew up. Circle C is a Christian camp that takes you back to the Old West including a shoot-out every Monday morning before camp begins and a Saturday rodeo (when I was there).

I could buy all the candy I wanted at Miss Kates and spend hours improving on my four-square skills in the game room. Daily activities included meals in the Longbranch, God and I time, horseback riding, game-time, outdoor games and activities, seminars in the Chapel, Clantons vs. Daltons competitions, team building, and wild games like "Poop Deck" or "Wacky Water-balloon Volleyball" throughout the week. You name it, we did it.

I remember when it was finally my first year to be a camper. I think I was going in to 2nd grade. All my siblings had been before so I knew the "camp" routine. I could not sleep the night before in anticipation of an amazing week. I probably packed everything I owned - specifically I remember taking my firebox with very important "things" - who knows what they included. We drove up the long dirt road and a staff member would point our car toward the entrance with great enthusiasm. One of the Aarums would pull open our trunk and just start unloading everything out of the van. One summer they began to take out Dad's egg crate of jumper cables and car stuff, so it was always a joke the years to come. Then we would be taken to the basement of the Longbranch where we could check in, get our name tags and find out our counselor and cabin. I was assigned to Bell Star 1 and I think my sister Charity was in the back in Bell Star 4 that year. I became best friends with my cabin mates in that week and then pen-pals for months after - with hopes to be bunk mates the next summer. I was a camper until the 7th grade.

I always wanted to work there like my siblings, but for some reason I could never commit myself to an entire summer away, especially when I started going to basketball and field hockey camps too. The staff at Circle C always seemed to be wild, energetic, fun, caring and tireless.

But, the most life-changing part of Circle C for me was the fact that I learned that Christianity could be fun and real and passionate. It wasn't something dry or lifeless. Faith is what drives this camp to influence generations of teenagers to be on fire for God. Although it took years later to get to the point where I committed myself fully to my faith, Circle C was the first place that I can testify of walking forward in front of a crowd of adults and staff and peers to pronounce my faith in God.

Circle C is still running today. Although it is probably much different from when I was a camper, it is still so much the same because this ministry is passionate about sharing Christ with the young generation. I learned how to read my Bible productively, share the Gospel with others and to live passionately for God.


  1. I absolutely LOVE your blog, Rahel! Would you mind if I put you on my blogroll? I think you could inspire some people who might be passing through my site :)

  2. No problem!! It's great to see you again on Facebook and in the blog world too!! Hope all is well for you Madison! (I'm following your blog too)
