Thursday, April 26, 2012

Defending my Faith

I recently found myself speaking out when I usually try to be more or less open to others and reserved when speaking my beliefs in a discussion.
I will say that I have a very tender heart and I genuinely care for all people.
I do not like confrontation and I prefer to open my mind, eyes, ears and heart to others and where they come from.
When I feel attacked or like someone has something against me, I can't stop thinking of what I could have said or done to make one feel that way. Everything in me gets stirred up and I'm hurt very deep and personally.
In 2007 I realized my desire to, simply put, love people.
I adapted a love for cultures and a heart to interact with people of all lifestyles.
When it comes to my faith, I do not prefer to get into debates or apologetics. Or to have an "I'm right, your wrong mentality.
My education is in Intercultural Studies. I am no Scholar, but I've studied many religions and believe I have been trained in quality fundamentals to finding common ground with others, no matter the culture or religion. I've researched case studies and practiced cross-cultural communications to best understand human relationships and ways to share my faith in a trusting and honest relationship.
It is my heart and hope that because of the way I speak, act, live and love, others will see my faith in me and learn about God because it's a part of my life, not because I have a good argument or go to church.

So in my recent 'speaking out,' I stated: "I can tolerate when people don't believe in Jesus, or any diety for that matter, but suggesting that he was not a man that walked on earth is ignorant." - In response to an article about an atheist student that dressed up as Jesus for 'fictional character' day in school.
Many people do not believe in Jesus as the Messiah or God or even a deity because it is believed there is no scientific evidence.
If then, we take away the mysterious figure of Jesus [as a man on earth], there would be no Christianity.

I believe that God is the Creator - (Matthew 28:19; John 1:14; Acts 5:3-4; 2 Corinthians 13:14; Colossians 1:15-20; Hebrews 1:1-3; Revelation 1:4-6)
I believe the Bible is authoritative and God-inspired - (John 17:17; 2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21)
I believe Jesus Christ is fully God, fully MAN - that walked this earth - (Matthew 1:18-2:12; John 1:1-18; Romans 3:21-26; 1 Corinthians 12; Philippians 2:5-8; Colossians 1:15-23; Hebrews 1:1-13; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 John 1:1-2:2)
Significantly, I believe that my life is an opportunity to continue to share the story of Jesus - even if I never met him in person. And I believe that part of following Christ requires a holistic mission. It's not just about me and God. It's also about my relationship with others and defending those in need in Christ's name.

From Zondervan's Handbook to the History of Christianity by Jonathan Hill, it says this about Jesus:
For greater details on Jesus' life we must turn to the four accounts of Jesus known as the 'canonical Gospels' (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John). To be sure, there are other non-Christian sources which mention Jesus in passing, thereby confirming that Jesus was a historical person. For example, the Roman historian Tacticus (c. AD 55-120) recounts the Jesus 'underwent the death penalty in the reign of Tiberius, by sentence of the procurator Pontius Pilate' (Annals 15:44); and Josephus, a Jewish historian (writing c. AD 90), says much the same, describing as Jesus as a 'wise man', a 'teacher', a 'worker of incredible deeds' and the one who brought into existence the 'tribe of the Christians'.

Personally, I feel that discounting the existence of Jesus on earth due to lack of 'scientific evidence' also encourages the disbelief and falsification of any documented or spoken history for that matter. Though I believe, I can understand if one finds it difficult to believe Jesus as fully man and fully God. But to suggest that Jesus - a documented man that changed history, stirred people's lives for thousands of years and still has a following - never existed is ignorant. Perhaps uninformed is a word that's easier to swallow.

I say all of these things not to cause an argument or discussion or whatever it is. But from the depths of my heart, I want others to know that there is evidence of the existence of Jesus Christ on this earth. Although some may have different views on the importance of that claim, I am beyond happy to get to know you. To try to understand where you come from and what your beliefs are in the hope that you would respect me in the same way. Yes, I will say I've had some doubts about this life in being a follower of Christ, but the more I've studied Scripture and developed a relationship with God, I cannot deny our Creator in heaven and on earth.

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