Since we've been married, JM and I have been looking for a church home.
9 months later, we think we've found one.
Our search has been a
huge frustration.
We went to a church for 3 months that we liked, but it was an hour away.
It was hard to feel a part of the community.
It's so hard finding a church.
JM and I want to be in full-time ministry.
When it comes to visiting churches, we become very critical (not in a negative way). But there are some really serious issues and questions that we have when it comes to wanting to be a part of a church family.
We've been wanting so bad to get involved, but we haven't had a peace about staying at the churches we've visited.
In the last 9 months, we've been to 6 churches. And several weekends we were out of town this summer.
We've seriously wrestled with the question: Are we being too picky?
But the reality of it is this: Church is not just a place to visit every Sunday. It's a community. It's a family of believers united with the same heart and mind. It's a place that should be reaching out to those in need; to those that don't know about God. Sunday should be a day to come together and share what God has been doing in our lives all week long. Sunday's message should just add to the fire and passion we are learning on our own throughout the week.
Some topics we've come across in our search for a church community:
-The music is so powerful, but where's the heart of the message?
-Where is the passion in this community?
-Why is the website so outdated? Where is the website?
-It's a "pot-faith" dinner, we don't call it pot luck because we don't believe in luck? What?
-15 minutes of weekly news and a 20 minute message?
-The pastor did what, with who?
-You're new, we can tell by the way your dressed?
-Where's the outreach?
It has been an incredible learning experience through all this. What would I have felt in all of this if I had never even been to church before? Would it be weird, scary, uncomfortable, exciting, empowering?
There is always going to be a debate as to how church works. The problem is, we are people and we like things in different ways. So being a relevant church in one place, because that's how "they" do it, will not work in another. BUT, when it's a church guided directly in surrender to the Holy Spirit, I believe it can be RELEVANT.
What JM and I had to really come to grips with is this: We need a church that most importantly is passionate about God and alive! Walking into a church that is not excited about the God we serve is heartbreaking. That doesn't mean there has to be a show and cool things everywhere, but a place that no matter what the building is, what music is being played, what the preacher looks like, there is no question as to why they are meeting - to share God's love.
On Sunday, for the first time in a long time, we felt a sense of peace and community in a church. It's still a bit of a drive (35-40min), but JM and I left church wanting to serve there. We didn't have to discuss our questions and concerns; we talked about how excited we were to finally have a place to serve.
We felt a huge opportunity to get involved.
What are some things we liked about it?
In words:
Passion. Diversity. Community. Outreach.
The pastor used to be a full-time missionary in Spain.
He preaches like my childhood pastor [Everything based on Scripture!]
Their website is interactive and up-to-date.
We saw all age-groups.
Very outreach and mission driven.
Several people talked to us.
The music was worshipful and heartfelt - not a show!
They are starting small groups on a secular college campus.
They have small groups throughout the week.
They have a "Serve the City" ministry that collaborates with other churches and local organizations.
We are really excited where God takes us in this church community! Please pray as we take the next step!