Thursday, September 29, 2011


Beautiful sun rays after a storm last night
Last night JM and I and another couple went to an art museum to listen to a CD-release show of Bison. They are quite the band. I covet them a little, just because it has always been a dream of mine to play my violin in a band like theirs or with an orchestra that plays with an indie/folk band.
I've always enjoyed going to concerts or shows or plays, but whenever I look around I never feel "cool" enough. There's always people around me that are so stylish and fancy and downright cool.
Despite how "cool" I am, I will always enjoy music - especially the kind that's really music. Not that pop-stuff or whatever people call it these days. My parents raised our family to really appreciate music and I'm so grateful for it. I often wish we had a family band. The problem with me is that I never really listen to the lyrics. I get so caught up in the music that I could rarely tell you words to a song. That doesn't mean I don't like lyrics, I just get stuck on the instruments.
All that to say, music feeds my soul. I feel at peace when there's creative music in my ears. I get that same feeling in other things too! Like this morning for instance, when I took my dog out and it finally smelled like fall after a week straight of rain. You know: that warm, crunchy, sunny and woodsy smell.

1 comment:

  1. Did u say family band? I'm in. What kind if music do we play?
