Monday, June 27, 2011

Wedding Playlist

Today I’m linking up with Lowercase Letters for Miscellany Monday {for the first time}! She just got a new header on her blog and it looks fabulous!!

Miscellany Monday @
lowercase letters

I thought I’d share our wedding music playlist for fun today! My husband and I personally picked these out for special reasons. Enjoy!

@ The Ceremony – Seacoast Wedding Chapel, Mt. Pleasant SC
1. Grandparents and Mothers:
Can’t Help Falling in Love with You – Ingrid Michaelson (3:18)
*Why did we pick? Our families love Elvis and we love modern spins to older music

2. Wedding Party & Bride:
Beautiful Things (acoustic) – Gungor (4:48)
*Why did we pick? I first heard this song played by Lee University’s Worship Team for a Campus Worship night with a full orchestra and I fell in love. We used the acoustic version from you-tube

3. Communion:
Garden – Needtobreathe (3:44)
*Why did we pick? We got The Outsiders Album while our nephew was in the hospital. When he went to be with Jesus, we just kept listening to this song. It reminds us that God will carry us through anything we go through

4. Recessional:
Something in the Water – Brooke Fraser (3:05)
*Why did we pick? My college roommate gave me Flags, Brooke Frasier’s album for a road trip. I couldn’t stop listening to this fun and playful song and JM got hooked too!

@ The Reception – The Historic Rice Mill, Charleston SC
1. Our First Dance:
By The Way They Dance – Jump Little Children {Played Live by Our Friend Micah Nichols (Member of Crowfield) & Friends}
*Why did we pick? I first heard this song by Jay Clifford live with the Charleston Symphony on Valentine’s Day 2008 and it gave me shivers all over. I heard it and knew I wanted it for my ‘first dance’ – this was before JM and I dated. And, our wedding was in Charleston, why not play some hometown music? Micah knows Jay Clifford personally so that helped too J

2. Father-Daughter & Mother-Son Dance:
Swept Away – The Avett Brothers {Played Live by Our friend Micah Nichols & Friends}
*Why did we pick? JM loves the Avetts and now I do too! We didn’t know what to dance to but we wanted something slow, but fun and upbeat. This was on JM’s playlist for a while and it fit perfect for our style. Our parents had never heard it before we danced with them. The band did a fabulous job!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Change Does Come

John Mark and I just celebrated our first 6 months of marriage on Saturday! What an eventful 6 months it has been. Growing up, I never really thought of the realities of life after the big wedding day. Sure, I thought about kids, a house, vacations, dream jobs... but until our premarital counseling, I never really took the time to prepare myself for the other side of marriage including: spiritual oneness, difficult conversations, making friends, sharing finances, good and bad emotions, arguments, cooking (the list could go on). And after we were married, these topics became a reality. I will be honest; our first 6 months were full of extreme highs and lows. We celebrated our first Christmas married (with our families), we moved into our apartment (in the middle of a blizzard), we went on our dream honeymoon to Europe, we had our first Valentines together (we were long distant before), we went to Buffalo to see where I grew up, and we've taken some great weekend getaways.
But in retrospect, we were carrying a heavy burden all along. On May 9th, we were prepared to start from scratch. I have to start at where it all began. The day I was to return home from my internship in Cambodia last summer, JM Skyped me to tell me that he was being Court Martialed. It was a complete shock to both of us, but the reality was that I had no idea what it all meant. We thought it would be something that would be over in a few months but it took just under 10—all this while planning our wedding. A few times I thought I was going to have to postpone it. We told our immediate families, our pastor and close friends, but other than that, we tried to tip-toe around the situation. JM could have been in a lot of trouble or just have gotten a “slap on the wrist” so to speak, but we didn’t know the outcome until it all went to court.
All along, I thought I forgave JM, but it wasn’t until a week before his court date that I honestly and wholly was able to forgive him for everything. I carried a lot of anger against him for making me struggle through his consequences. But all along I am realizing that this is what marriage is about. We are here to go through these times together; to carry each other’s burdens and to push one another closer to God. I feel like a lot of this burden was secretly pulling me further away from JM. I started having trust issues and still held on to my bitterness and anger toward him.
Our first few months of marriage included weekly meetings with our lawyers and plea agreements with the Prosecuting Attorney. If any of you know military terms, the charges against JM should have been reviewed at a Captain’s Mast 2 years ago when the “incident” happened. But for over a year, the prosecution was trying to build a huge case against JM and several of his shipmates for such “incidents” that happen all throughout the military but are clearly against the UCMJ. In no regards am I saying JM should not have gotten in trouble, but I believe that there needs to be a closer eye on these issues and they should be dealt with as they happen. So often the military ignores that they are issues or they are told to be prepared for such “incidents” as they happen because then you will be accepted and no longer a target.
From August of 2010 to May of 2011, we were prepared several times to go to court then something would change and the date would be pushed back. In late January, we decided to hire a civilian lawyer with over 40 years of experience in both military and civilian court along with JM’s JAG lawyers to help us in this case. We experienced a completely new perspective from our civilian lawyer (a more pessimistic angle different from our extremely optimistic JAG defense). This is when I started to grasp the true reality of our situation. We learned to prepare ourselves for the worst-case scenario: JM with 6 months in the Brig, a Bad Conduct Discharge and a possible fine.
In February, we were able to get the case lowered to a Special Court Martial and decided on no jury. A week before we were to go to court in May, our JAG lawyer received a call from the Prosecution agreeing to drop a few of the ludicrous charges that they were unwilling to drop all along (The charges that basically seemed like they would ruin our lives). On May 9th, we went to court. I was testifying for JM’s character and only minutes before it began, I was told I was not allowed in the courtroom until after I testified (I was not a happy person!). But my brother kept me calm and stayed with me in the waiting room until it was my turn. Because the Prosecution dropped all the charges JM was going to plead not guilty to, JM only plead guilty at court.
I was prepared for JM to head to the Brig and our lives to change significantly after May 9th. After the Judge made his decision, he came back to the courtroom and announced JM would be reduced in rank. The end.
Months of turmoil, months of the unknown, months of our minds wandering over the possibilities; we finally had closure! An end. We could see tomorrow—together and our not-significantly-changed future was finally right in front of us. I cannot say this often enough! Our prayer all along was Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.” We had to have the faith that no matter the outcome, God was going to make it about GOD. If JM went to the Brig, he was ready to be a minister to the men there. If we lost the GI Bill, we were prepared to trust God to cover our school bills. Everything is in God’s hands. I cannot speak enough from the other end of this situation. It was hard for me to fully believe this as this was happening, but I know for a fact that as believers, we HAVE to trust God with everything. Our day-to-day lives, our finances, our relationships, our situation: God knows what he’s doing and will never put us in a place that we cannot learn and grow from and develop our identity.
We are taking a pay-cut because of this (hence why we are moving). We’ve wanted to move into something more affordable anyways, but we weren’t sure if we would be able to get out of our year lease with our apartments. But God knows what’s best for us. We found a house for sale and asked if we could rent it for a certain price. We wanted to move in June but we couldn’t get out of our lease and the family wasn’t ready to move out of their house. But everything worked out both ways and now we are able to move in and get our roots settled here. We know we’ll be here for at least a year now and then we’ll see if we’re getting transferred.
The thing about all of this is the fact that we should always recognize that our lives can change dramatically in an instant. We may have our own plans and ideas for how we want our lives to play out but ultimately, God is in control. We have to ask ourselves daily… “Am I prepared for where God is going to take me today… in this moment?” I doubt that we can ever fully be ready, but we can always be preparing our hearts to be in the right response when change does come.

We are moving!

We just signed our contract yesterday to rent out this beautiful and cute little red cottage! We are so happy to get out of apartment living and move into a neighborhood close to the water. It is a lot closer to JM's work and Java can have a yard to play in (although she loves all the dogs here at the apartments). We move in on July 9th and couldn't be more excited!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

We're Fast!

This afternoon I designed John Mark's blog and he already started blogging! Let me tell you, it's going to be good. He already has a follower before we were even finished. Join in and follow life from a man's perspective. It's going to be so much different than mine and probably way more hilarious! Follow along as he fills in the blanks. Find him here: 

He Likes It

Today at lunch I was looking over some blogs and JM tells me: "I think I want a blog." He was excited and started naming off titles and topics that he had already been thinking about. I am very excited for him because he's a great story-teller. When he lived on a cutter and went underway 7 months out of the year, we used to email each other around four times a day. He would write the most descriptive stories and experiences and I never had to ask him about them later. They were so vivid that I could picture the entire scene playing out. I am a bit jealous because it takes me a long time to write. What JM cranks out in 20 minutes takes me a few hours. I'm a slow writer, but I enjoy writing. But if he really does start blogging, I'm sure he'd write almost every day. Truthfully, I think we'd be a good team one day. Maybe we should start a magazine. I asked if JM wanted to join on my blog and we could each share stories, but he wants his own. So now I get to help design it for him. I enjoy the creative side and back-work even though I don't know what I'm doing half the time (trial & error works just fine for me). So maybe in the near future JM will have his own blog too.

Monday, June 20, 2011


via pinterest

Last week JM and I got to paddle around in a 2-man kayak. First, we paddled out off Folly Beach. As we paddled down the beach, we went against the current first so it was a fun ride back. We went again the next day off Morris Island. The tide was coming in fast, so it was pretty tough to paddle but I really wanted to go. We ended up getting caught in the middle of  3 dolphins. So we began to paddle wherever we could see them next. After chasing them around, they caught on to our game and started jumping a few feet from us, splashing water and swimming around us. At one point, one of the dolphins picked it's head up out of the water and looked right at us! It was so cool. We were just playing in the water with the wild, and they were playing back. It was an incredible experience. It's small moments like this that I am just amazed with God's creation.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Dear Dad

You are one of the most God-fearing men I know. I’ve watched you read your Bible every day. I’ve seen your passion to serve in the church. You’ve done everything possible to take care of your four kids and now we’re all married and have started our own families. You’ve raised us to love God. You taught us how to tithe and to work hard. I’ve seen you work hard every day of your life. Anytime you meet someone new, you share Christ’s love with them. You’ve had incredible patience. You’ve taught us to love the outdoors, music and the arts. You are extremely innovative and creative. You wear your heart on your sleeve. You are young at heart and love being dad and grandpa. Happy Father’s day.
I love you dad,
Your youngest
Photo Credit: Steve Cook Photography

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Breaking at Folly Beach

We were able to take a long weekend to SC to spend time with our family. What I love about Charleston is that our family lives there and it's an incredible place to visit. We left on Wednesday night and met John Mark's family and friends at Folly Beach. Here's a few pictures of our great weekend! The weather was perfect and there was no humidity! We went fishing and caught a lot of baby sharks (put them back in the water), went out on the boat, ate delicious meals and played games.

After the beach we went to "The Farm" (my grandparents house in Aiken) and had a great time relaxing by the pool and storytelling!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

5 Random Things About My Husband

1. He is smart: I learn something new from John Mark every day. He’s a bottomless pit of knowledge. He soaks up everything he learns. It’s incredible how much he knows. I don’t need Google, I just ask JM!
2. He is filled with JOY: John Mark is the kind of guy that always seems to enjoy life. It takes a lot for him to become down-trodden by the sway of life. He laughs boisterously out loud and gives me every reason to do the same. There’s not a day that goes by that we don’t laugh together.
3. He is extremely optimistic: This is very good because I can be over-pessimistic when it comes to personal things so we always seem to balance each other out. Truthfully, I need to trust his optimism more, but sometimes I have to snap him into reality.
4. He tells stories: Many people are never sure if John Mark is telling the truth or not. When I know he’s joking, I watch his listeners as they crick their necks and squint their eyes wondering whether or not to believe him. When you get to know him, you can learn to laugh and enjoy outrageous but believable stories. My brother-n-law Carlos never knows what to believe.
5. He remembers to put the toilet seat down: Thankfully John Mark has two lovely sisters and I know they would say a thing or two if he didn’t put the seat down. Thanks Lauren and Jessie! I don’t have to remind him to do it!

Monday, June 6, 2011

In the Kitchen

I am beginning to enjoy the art of being in the kitchen. It's definitely a learning process to find where ends meet when it comes to the food I like and the way my husband likes it. John Mark is a grilling kind of guy. So for the first months of our marriage I didn't know what to cook (and it was winter). JM likes grilled steak and chicken and that's about all we ate from our skillet in the kitchen (it makes for a stinky and smoky house). I basically let him take over most of the cooking because first of all, I didn't plan ahead and frankly, I had to learn a whole new way of cooking. We've been married almost 6 months now and I really feel like I'm learning to take some freedom in the kitchen. It all requires some planning ahead and proper groceries. And most of all, I love to use recipes! There's also an art to getting all the hot food on the table at the same time!I've been able to cook in new styles and we're not just eating homemade pizza or grilled chicken and rice anymore. Last night I had JM grill turkey burgers and I made a black bean-and-pineapple-mango salsa to top them off (they gave the burgers a juicy and buttery taste). Today we used the left over salsa for our pita chips as a side with our lunch. Also, I like that there are finally fresh fruits and vegetables at the store [Sigh of relief]. Tonight I'm making chicken and dumplings (all fresh ingredients). I also made a gallon of green tea with honey and fresh mango and a Mexican style "chicken salad" for wraps for lunch tomorrow. It's exciting to constantly stretch and grow - even if it comes straight from the kitchen. In observing my mom, mother-n-law, grandmothers, etc... I'm learning to stock my pantry, buy "staple" food items but always try new things, and to ask for new recipes. Things are looking up in our kitchen! 

If you have any recipes to share, feel free to do so!!

June Baby Wish List

My 24th birthday is soon approaching and I've had a few things on my wish list for a while. Many are "things" I've come across in the blog-o-sphere and others are some that I've had my eyes on for a while: some practical, others, not so much! People ask "what do you want for your birthday" and I never can come up with a quick response. But, this is an opportunity to bring to life those secret things I adore and hope for! It makes me happy to see them, just for the fact that I can always come back to see special items I may have forgotten about. The exciting part is that several of the items on my ‘wish list’ are handcrafted by people like you and me that do what they do because they love it (and some are for a special cause)!

Sunshine and Carousels: Headband
Handmade Collectibles: Wreath

Kristi Hoskins Gifts: Neck Cowl
Ike&Co: Opalite Drop Necklace
Greeting Cards & Notes: Find JOY everyday

My Serious Side: Vintage Frames
REI: High UV Protection Women’s Buff
Outdoor Research: Women’s Gaiters (Med)
Holstee: Manifesto Poster

EReader: Kindle 3G&Wi-Fi OR Nook (Which is better?)